Formating HTML formating webpages

Simple Format
Formating your document to look right is very important. Sometime you have to adjust your code to properly design your web page
< p></p> Paragraph
< p align=?> alignment of paragraph
< br> Line break
< blockquote></blockquote> Indents text from both sides
< li></li> In front of text. Makes lists
< ol></ol> Numbered list
< dl></dl> Definition list
< ul></ul> Unordered list
< dt> In front of each definition term
& nbsp; Space
& #8220; Left quote
& #8221; Right quote
& #8212; EM dash
Example: <blockquote> <p align="center">Hello<br>Line 2 </p></blockquote>
< ol> <li>test 2</li></ol>
< dl> <dt> test</dt></dl>